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School Uniform

At Portswood Primary we like our children to wear school uniform.

Our school uniform is navy blue, grey and white as follows:

  • White shirts, polo shirts and blouses
  • Navy blue or grey trousers or shorts
  • Navy blue or grey skirts and pinafore dresses
  • Navy blue tunics
  • Blue and white candy stripe or check summer dresses
  • Navy blue sweatshirts/cardigans (with school logo)
  • Navy blue or white socks/tights
  • Black or brown shoes

Children who are eligible for pupil premium funding are provided with 1 free sweatshirt/cardigan per year.  Please speak to the school office.


If you prefer to buy a sweatshirt or cardigan with the school logo, these can be purchased from Skoolkit in Eastleigh or online at

For PE

  • Navy blue or white polo shirts
  • Blue shorts (blue/black joggers for colder weather)
  • Plimsolls/Trainers

We ask parents not to send their children to school wearing:-

  • Jeans
  • Unsuitable shoes (such as open toed sandals or trainers not on PE days)
  • Clothes with slogans of pictures of pop stars etc printed on them
  • Sportswear eg football shirts or cycle shorts
  • Make-up, nail varnish or excessive amounts of hair gel
  • Extreme haircuts or colour

Dressing for PE

Children are expected to wear their school PE kit on the days which they take part in sport. PE kits should not be worn on any other days unless instructed by their class teacher.

  • For swimming each child will need a towel and a costume.
  • We ask parents to name all items of clothing so that we can return lost property easily.


Children may wear watches but we do not believe that jewellery is suitable for school (particularly dangling earrings and necklaces).

Children with pierced ears may wear plain gold studs, but not sleepers or pendant earrings.  County Inspectors also advise that all jewellery should be removed for PE.  It would therefore be very helpful if pupils who wear stud earrings do not wear them on days when they have PE.  If your child wears jewellery for religious reasons please let the Principal know in writing.  However, all jewellery will need to be removed, taped over with micropore or covered with a sweatband during PE.

School staff accept no responsibility for the safe keeping of watches or jewellery.