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Events in recent years have brought into even clearer focus the importance of looking after our own and each other's mental health and well-being. In this section you'll find our five ways to wellbeing that are explored with the children over the year in lessons and within assemblies. In addition to this are some of the support available in the local area as well as some ideas and activities that you and your children can do to support well-being at home.



The MHST web page, with information about the referral criteria and a service description. The Mental Health in Schools Team (MHST) are funded through the NHS. They work with schools and colleges to support pupils with mental health and wellbeing , treating mild – moderate emotional wellbeing difficulties. More information about the service can be found here:

Southampton Mental Health In Schools Team (MHST) | Solent

And their most recent primary age newsletter

If anyone has concerns about their child’s mental health and wellbeing and think the service may be able to offer support, please contact Mr Howie for further information.


Nuffield Health

Nuffield Health offer some information for parents and young people regarding their mental health and wellbeing. Nuffield Health’s advice for supporting children’s wellbeing with some useful strategies and information regarding wellbeing can be found here:



Re:Minds is a Southampton based organisation supporting families of children with Autism, ADHD and/or mental health issues (no diagnosis is needed). Their aim is to allow people whose children face similar issues to meet up in an informal setting to share knowledge and talk about any challenges our families are facing. For further information follow the link below to their website:

Re:Minds (


The Avenue Centre

A Charity and part of the yearly help offering commissioned by SCC funded by Children in need and other grants.

The Avenue Centre offer “a group run setting where we support parents with positive parenting, confidence/self-esteem, building positive relationships and keeping themselves and their children safe, child behaviour and development and many other relevant topics.”

This is referral only service but if you wanted support being referred, contact Mr Howie for advice.

TAC - Who We Are


Southampton Psychology Service

The Southampton Psychology Service are currently offering a Telephone consultation service for parents and carers of children and young people with social communication difficulties.

For more information, click on the link below:

Southampton Psychology Service - Parent Telephone Consultation


Southampton Information Directory (SID)

Southampton Directory

The Southampton Information Directory has information and links to a whole range of services and offers that are available within the city. Below is a screenshot of some of the information available.


The National Sleep Helpline

The National Sleep Helpline


Sure Start Family Hubs/Parenting Offer...

Sure Start Family Hubs/Parenting Offer...


SEND Local Offer Newsletter

SEND Newsletter

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